
The /Files endpoint is used to Upload, Remove and Restore File(s) to an Index.

  • For uploading files, use content-type multipart/form-data
  • For all other tasks, use content-type application/json
  • All requests must be POST requests.


A Valid API Key must be passed.

  • For Uploads, this must be sent as APIKey in the request header.
  • For all other tasks, APIKey must be passed in the JSON Data.

Uploading file(s) to an Index

  • Uploading files is done using the multipart/form-data protocol (RFC7578)
  • All Files in the request must be sent with part-name file
  • In addition, APIKey and IndexUUID must be passed in the header of the request.

The APIKey passed must be assigned Write Permission to the Index passed.

Additional Fields

If the requested Index has additional fields assigned to it, field data may also be sent as parts in the request. Note that, if several files are sent in a request, all files will be given the same meta-data.

To upload files with unique meta-data, make a separate request for each unique set of meta-data.

Field data should be sent with the Field name as the part name, and the field value as a string in the contents.

Removing file(s) from an Index

Removing a file from an Index makes the file no longer searchable. The file will remain available to be restored for 30 days, but after which it will be permanently deleted.

In order to remove file(s) from an Index, "Action":"RemoveFilesFromIndex" must be passed in the JSON Object. An array of Files each containing a FileUUID should be passed, along with an IndexUUID.

Example Request

  "Action": "RemoveFilesFromIndex",
  "Files": [
      "FileUUID": "########-####-####-#################"
      "FileUUID": "########-####-####-#################"
  "IndexUUID": "########-####-####-#################"

Example Response

An empty success response is sent back:

204 No Content

Restoring file(s) to an Index

Restoring a file to an Index makes it searchable in the Index once more

Example Request

  "Action": "RestoreFilesToIndex",
  "Files": [
      "FileUUID": "########-####-####-#################"
      "FileUUID": "########-####-####-#################"
  "IndexUUID": "########-####-####-#################"

Example Response

An empty success response is sent back:

204 No Content